What an incredible opportunity it is to reach you via the World Wide Web.
Although Greater Beulah is a church that steeped in tradition our reach into our community is anything but. With so much technology at our fingertips we have discovered that “reaching into” the community is right at our fingertips.
Previously our outreach walked from door to door. However in today’s’ world our outreach is performed from church to cell phone, radio, and TV. With this in mind it’s easy to see we live in a virtual cyberspace and the new ways of communicating is exhilarating. The medium of technology has ushered the world as near as the touch of a key pad. Don’t You Just Love It! Clichés like “reach out and touch” is a reality today.
When we considered that the average person today shops churches online before they ever set foot inside the physical building we wanted to be open to anyone that passed by Greater Beulah’s online community. So we’ve drawn the curtains back for you so please allow our website to be your “window” and look inside Greater Beulah and see what all we have to offer.
I pray that you find the information available on the website will stimulate you toward spiritual growth. Our goal is to provide you with relevant resources and life changing events that will move you toward God’s purpose and design.
In closing I want to say that my commitment to you is to ensure that we provide you with the necessary tools to equip you for the work and joy of ministry. If you are a part of our church fellowship, I encourage you to use the pages of this website and discover the wonderful possibilities here for you. If you are a first time friend looking through the window of our fellowship, take another step and come visit us at one of our services. The warm and friendly people of Greater Beulah will be waiting to greet you.